
Documents relating to the running of the village hall have to be available for everyone to view. We are happy to provide these below. If you have any queries please contact us and we will answer as soon as we can.

Management Documents »


Committee Members
Chairman Vacant
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Roland Wales
Bookings Secretary Vacant
Elected Resident John Beveridge
Charity Commission Trustees Sam Morrison
Diana Gibbons Stephen Smith
Peter Gieler Graeme Card
Organisation/Association Representatives
Art Group Paul Cooper
Residents’ Association Angus Idle
Football Club Dave Hilling
HAGA Andrew Flint
Valley Players and Pre-School Diana Gibbons
Community Shop Louise Jones
 Playground  Lisa Thyer-Jones
Conservation Group & Maintenance John Beveridge
Fund-Raising Committee: Vacant
Diane Gibbons Vacant
Website and Social Media Vacant